Serving Locally

Serving our local community is a priority at both of our SNC campuses. Jesus says to, “love your neighbor as you love yourself”(Matthew 22:39), and we seek to live out that command by looking for opportunities to serve those around us. Whether it be reaching out to meet a need one-on-one, or partnering with local organizations with an established ministry in the community, We want to have a positive effect on the people who live in our local communities.


At SNC, we partner with many worthy organizations who seek to serve Christ in our local area, and abroad. Here are just a few of the local ministries we partner with...

Mission Trips

In partnership with Nazarene Missions International, SNC sends multiple teams every year to various national and world areas. We complete construction projects for sister-churches, host medical clinics, reach the lost for Christ, and encourage our brothers and sisters world-wide. Over the years, SNC teams have served in Guatemala, Peru, Benin, and Nigeria; as well as Oklahoma, Alabama, and Kentucky to aid in disaster relief. Even our youth often engage in multi-generational or youth mission trips.

Nazarene Missions International

Exists to promote, educate, and fund local and global missions for the Church of the Nazarene. It “provides the structure and spiritual dynamic for mobilizing the church in mission.” At SNC, we choose to support this great ministry of the Nazarene Church through fund raising efforts such as, Faith Promise, the annual Missions Auction, and other individual campaigns throughout the year. Our missions council provides stewardship of these funds, and assures that the dollars you so generously give to missions, reach as far as possible.

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

“Nazarene Compassionate Ministries works to support local churches around the world in their efforts to actively live compassion as a lifestyle. Following the example of Jesus, NCM partners with local congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate, and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, and disease. NCM exists in and through the Church of the Nazarene to proclaim the gospel to all people in word and deed.”